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Mother Earth - mantra worksheet

Mother Earth - mantra worksheet

The Mother Earth - mantra worksheet is fully accessible (no printing necessary!) and provides a unique opportunity to practice gratitude for life on Earth. This four-page interactive journaling prompt supports reflection and compassion towards our planet's precious resources.



Mantra preview:

I am a steward of this land and remember

Earth gives to us when we give to Earth


I am grateful to be alive,

breathing and existing

on this planet

I am grateful to be here



About mantra worksheets:

These are interactive writing prompts leading with a brief breathing exercise that can be repeated often. There are no right or wrong answers - only you/ your intuition knows what should be written in these spaces.


Once completed, place where you can view your words daily!

And - allow yourself to change when you feel ready.


May you have the courage to liberate yourself.

Be well.




Mantra worksheets are available for download immediately after purchase, along with an emailed link that will last for 30 days. No refunds or exchanges.

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